MTM- Trainee Pay Rate

MTM- Trainee Pay Rate


The Locomotive Division participated in a conference at Fair Work Commission with Metro on Tuesday 3/3/15, unfortunately none of the matters listed previously were achieved .

Metro has suggested a special rostering arrangement for OJTs, no particulars were put  forward by them yesterday.

The Locomotive Division has requested that details of Metros plans for rostering of OJTs be put in writing and be tabled at the next scheduled conference which is now Tuesday 10/3/15.



Members have been forwarded  an email from a trainee sent to the Minister for Transport and Minister for Women with a courtesy copy to the RTBU LD  in regards to discrimination from Metro in their conduct for not paying the agreed wage increase to trainees as per the EBA. There has been a significant increase in female trainees due to Metros’ targeted advertising . The aforementioned email has also been forwarded to the Metro CEO for his attention and action.


RTBU LD met with Metro and their Legal Reps. Metro intend to interpret the agreement and provide information in regards to the payment of trainees by close of business Fri 16th.  – Matter still in progress.



A meeting between the RTBU LD, Maurice Blackburn (RTBU LD Lawyers) , Metro and Freehills (Metro Laywers) has been confirmed for Tues 13th January 2015.

This meeting will be held at the Lawyers office.

An update will be forwarded as soon as we receive final word from the lawyers, please note this may not be on the same day.





The Loco Division has received a response to our letter of demand sent on Wed 10th December 2014  to Metro.

Freehills, Metro’s lawyers, advise that they wish to meet in Jan 2015 to discuss the issue.

Hopefully we will be able to resolve this matter early in the new year.